Widow: Web Crawler Architecture


In a previous post, I went over the justification for building my own web crawler named Widow. Here I will explain my alternative method for building a large-scale web crawler. Keep in mind that the crawler is still a work in progress (as of the end of 2015) so this is not final. There is still some future work to be done, which will be discussed at the end.

Architecture Overview


There’s three main stages to the online crawler. The first stage is the fetcher, to pull in data, second is the parser, which pulls important information out of the data, and last is the indexer, which inserts the data into a database or possibly multiple databases. Offline there is an analysis server and a UI for end-users to pull, inspect, and report on data gathered by the crawler.

The input to each stage is an SQS queue. The queues hold messages with metadata about each page as it flows through the system. S3 acts as intermediate blob storage for webpages or other files that don’t fit into the 256k limit of SQS. Dynamo is the current index, however any key-value store could be plugged in, such as Cassandra, or even an RDBMS like MySQL or Aurora. The different stages are described in more detail below.


Fetching is a pretty straightforward part of the system. It will reach out to the origin web server and retireve whatever web resource needed. It then uploads the resource itself to S3 and then sends the metadata about the resource to the parsing stage. The concept is straightforward, however the implementation is more complex than it seems at first. How does it handle failures? What about rate limiting? Sitemaps? The robots.txt standard-but-not-a-standard? These considerations all need to be built in.


The parse stage currently uses jsoup to parse HTML. It is the only supported type of web resource that Widow can parse at the moment, however the architecture permits changes in one place to allow broader functionality of the whole. When the parse stage can understand PDF, then the fetch stage can start pulling information linked from PDFs, and the index stage will start to index PDF metadata. There is a possibility that I use Apache Tika in the future, but not for now. It might be best to use projects that specialize in one format in order to guard against the “kitchen sink” fallacy, where everything is done adequately instead of doing one thing very well. Future formats also include OOXML for Microsoft Word, Excel, and PowerPoint files or ODF for OpenOffice files.


The indexing stage is very straightforward. It takes the metadata from the queue and inserts it into an index or multiple indices. The stage exists as a separate entity because it might be necessary to apply some logic for structuring the data or transformations prior to inserting to allow easier retrieval later. As well, the plan is to have the ability to insert into multiple indexes, such as a short-term real-time analysis storage and a longer-term archival storage. The current implementation only inserts into DynamoDB, however an interface is being built to allow multiple indexing locations. The semantics of the index are yet to be worked out, though there will need to be some commonality between a key-value store (DynamoDB, Memcached, Redis), a columnar store (Cassandra, Parquet), or a traditional RDBMS (MySQL, Aurora, Postgres).


The analyze project itself is comprised of two sub-projects. First is the server that retrieves crawl information from the metadata index, and second is the web UI itself that is a window into that data.

Analysis Server

The analysis server is a REST service responsible for retrieving and semantically making sense of the data, regardless of the datastore it resides in. The same abstraction used in the indexing stage over different database types can be used here to provide the same ease of use for different users of Widow. There is no offline or batch processing of data. It is retrieved and processed as needed by the UI. The same process serves the files for the UI.

Analysis UI

The UI is an AngularJS application that is bundled into the server. It is built alongside the server code and bundled into the same JAR. This area is probably the most lacking as of this post, however the goal is to become a full-fledged analysis tool for the data retrieved. Analysis means many different things to many different people, so flexibility is key. Several views will be created for connectedness, where content analysis can be performed by people managing website content. For example, disconnected graphs can be discovered. Another view will be for the engineers running the web servers, and will include metrics about website performance, such as request latency, gzip usage, and total page size over time.


To power each stage is an Auto-Scaling Group in Amazon, which will automatically scale up and down based on the queue size and other parameters. This means that each stage can independently scale as needed to meet demand. I expect the parsing stage to have much more than the fetch or index, and that with a cap on the parsing stage, the fetch and index stages would reach an equilibrium at a smaller size. Also, if crawling a relatively slow site, the fetch stage can scale up to increase parallelism (assuming the rate limits are not being hit) and balance out the system. Ideally, no one stage is the bottleneck.

Future Work

The crawler itself is not complete, and there’s a few big pieces left, all concerning being a good netizen:

The challenge in particular is the sharing of information between different servers running the same stage. The parse servers should not have to retrieve the robots.txt independently, nor should they all be parsing each sitemap.xml. The solution is a cache that all can use to store the intermediate form of parsed data. This relies on Terminator and Exo becoming more mature.

As well, the history of visited pages is currently a binary yes/no as to whether a particular box has seen it before. This is obviously not correct if the crawler was to work as a whole. This information needs to be shared with yet another cache, however just talking to a single instance of Redis slowed down crawling dramatically. A fast, distributed cache like EVCache might be better in this case to store metadata. If persistence is required, then snapshots will be taken and inserted into a database. This balances speed and availability with durability.

Github Repos

All work on Widow is done in public, and the system is completely open source. Feel free to peruse:

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